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About this site?

Preventative Community Health.

Updated 16.1.2014.

My ‘cyber home’ contains some 75 poems in various  ‘Community’, ‘Heart and Soul’ and ‘Health’ sections, all down loadable for private use – see Copyright conditions. One poem from each section  also on down loadable sound.

This house affirms, values, holds, loves and cares for – our minority groups, in particular our Gay and Lesbian Communities, Sex Workers, Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities.

This ‘home’ is also a total ‘VIOLENCE FREE ZONE’ – in particular violence against women and children – “Please, please don’t hit me!!!” –

Also violence ‘against anyone else’ and ‘emotional violence’ – including committing suicide, (unless terminally ill).


If you are or have been heartbroken, bullied, suicidal, depressed, bereaved, lonely or just plain ‘desperate’, you are very welcome in my home, and my doors are always open – 24/7! 181 xxx

Happy people are of course – most welcome too!


This ‘Cyber Home’ is also intended as a ‘safe house or refuge’ – with special rooms for Suicidal, Depressed, and Sexually Abused people. 

If you are feeling Suicidal – this site is NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP – you press the menu button

  • Feeling Suicidal … You are always welcome, loved, cherished and ‘held’ here  😆 or
  • Community Suicide Prevention … totally new on this site, 28 – 450 word suicide prevention Adverts – all ‘road tested’ in my local paper ‘The Leader’! They are well worth a read.   😆  

One room also devoted to giving ‘emotional protection’ against bullying and other ‘bad things’ happening, for young, and not so young people!


About 13 poems have a small amount of low level Adult Content with sexual references, adult themes and strong emotional content – mostly but not always – around Suicide Prevention.


Materials for Cyber Construction of this house come mostly from my own life journey, my very own fumbles and falls, as I search for Happiness, Contentment, Positive Thinking, Meaning of Life, Relationships with our Planet  –  and the ( mostly) beautiful People on it …

and negotiate my way around grief, sadness, happiness and joy, love, parenthood, separation, my own sexual abuse, loneliness, cancer, brushes with depression, disappointment – and growing old!

See ‘Site Uses For You’ on menu opposite for the many different personal and Community uses of this site.

  • There is nothing on this site ‘for sale’!
  • This site is NOT intended to be a substitute for Professional Counselling / Medication etc from Doctors, Psychiatrists, Counsellors etc – for emotional issues – or for emergency help lines like local ‘LIFELINE’ and Suicide Prevention.
    This very important warning is repeated at various relevant places on this site.
  • ALL poems and soundtracks are down loadable for FREE,*for private/educational use only, as provided for under the “The Copyright Act”. Otherwise ordinary conditions apply.

  • There are NO religious doctrines – or money making enterprise underlying the availability and use of this site.

  • It is based on simple ‘Love and Caring’ for ‘Our Beautiful Earth’, and for the lives, Hearts and Souls of the ‘Beautiful People’ on it.

  • This house affirms the right of terminally ill people to choose their own pathway – to end their lives.


While at ‘my place’ – laugh, cry – and enjoy! But always know – there is always hope, which springs eternal! As my special guest, you are




and Valued

And never, NEVER – EVER

EVER left alone!!

Tim Barritt. xxx. 14.1.14.

Earth Angel 181 xxx