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Star Dust Girl

For Ruby – 5 years young

I met a special girl,
Called Ruby,
With her mother’s beautiful
Big blue eyes –
And just a trace of star dust…

I said
“Ruby, why do you want
To go to New York?”

“Because if I go
To New York
Mr. Barritt –
All my dreams
Will come true!”

“Reach for the stars –“
I said,
“Go to New York,
Just know – every dream
You have…
Will not always come true –

But never stop reaching…

Just sometimes,
A star in your dreams
Will fall…

To live,
And sparkle…
Inside of you”

For Ruby – 5 years young

I met a special girl,
Called Ruby,
With her mother’s beautiful
Big blue eyes –
And just a trace of star dust…

I said
“Ruby, why do you want
To go to New York?”

“Because if I go
To New York
Mr. Barritt –
All my dreams
Will come true!”

“Reach for the stars –“
I said,
“Go to New York,
Just know – every dream
You have…
Will not always come true –

But never stop reaching…

Just sometimes,
A star in your dreams
Will fall…

To live,
And sparkle…
Inside of you”

Listen to With heaven at His Back Door

Tim Barritt. 22.8.10.

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