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Home Alone

After thirty four years together,
Proud parents of kids three,
For all this time
We stood the test,
But I never could foresee –
Just as the last little one
Was about to fly the nest,
My partner too – spread her wings…
Searching for
A happier place,
To make a richer, warmer bed,
In which to live and lie –
And take her rest!

In these years,
I learned a lesson –
I’m glad I learned it well,
Leaving on a light
To guide a loved one home –
Returning in the night,
A message of love and caring,
To give – and to tell!

Now I leave my own light
Switched on and shining,
To warm and softly burn…
To love and guide
And welcome –
Each and every single time –
I leave – and then return!

So I’ll always have company –
Inside my empty home,
To keep my home fires burning,
And never, ever
Have to feel –
‘Left’ – or home alone!

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Tim Barritt. 12.11.09.
Earth Angel 181