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I’ve just given myself a Promotion

I’m finishing up with ‘The Leader’ – my Barossa local trusty News Paper, Circulation 8000, Readership 24000 – after about 30 weeks of weekly Suicide Prevention Ads. (See Community Suicide Prevention).

As it happens I got a very good write up on Pg 5 of ‘The Stock Journal’ – Circulation 12,000 which goes all over my State of South Australia and is the State’s leading Farming Newspaper.

They have given me a good discount on my 2 Colour Prevention Ads which I am going to run fortnightly for the foreseeable future.   😀

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get my Ads in a “State-wide’ newspaper.

Never thought I would be able to give myself a promotion!

Cheers from


Tim x   😆