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Whats Tim Up To?

The Latest News.

Saturday, the 18th day of the 1st month of 2014 – will be my 63 birthday.

I am giving myself an extra good birthday present by opening up the doors of my cyber home again to YOU! 🙂

It’s been down for around 7 months due to technical problems behind the scenes…

My wonderful Webmaster Peter has been ‘off the scene’ with some of his very own life’s drama’s.

Welcome back Peter. Thanx heaps!!! UR a Gem Darling!!! xxx

I am also now ‘back on my feet’ again after my recent heart attack 14.8.14.  😆

My outcome (one stent in) and outlook is ALL GOOD. Still planning to live until I’m 90!

Best wishes and my beast love to you from

Tim x