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About Poems

About My Poems

I write to touch the hearts of my readers and my poems come directly from my own life journey and experiences. This includes the natural world in which I am so very, very lucky to reside, the people in my life – and out the most wonderful Community in which I live.

They belong – back in this very place – which is partly why this completely free site has been created.

I also try to encompass the full range of human emotion, as we all travel through our lives on this beautiful Planet – and as often as I can – I try to incorporate “The Heavens” into my poems. Many go to church to find their God. I find mine walking with my 4 dogs – under the wonderful and mysterious Planets and Stars! It is – after all – the biggest cathedral in the world!

My own life has been a journey, travelling from pain and loneliness – actively seeking and searching for happiness, balance, warmth and light! My poems reflect this, with each and every poem having some positive message or story to tell and where possible – incorporating at least a trace of humour – laughter always being ‘the shortest distance between two people’.

Except for obvious fantasy, and while I do often make full and liberal use of ‘Poetic Licence’ – all my poems are written from my own or other people’s real life experiences.

The one exception is my Suicide Prevention poem ‘Angel Miss September’. This is a shandy of real Suicide Stories which have personally touched my own life, but which have been ‘bundled up’ and ‘shandied’ into one poem – to prevent any real characters and places and people being identified. For this same reason, the two Men’s Health poems set in brothels have had names and addresses changed to protect and respect Privacy and Identity.

My poems have NEVER attracted any Literacy acclaim from Academic Circles. I have never written for this, never wanted or ‘courted’ this. They are written to save lives and to touch hearts. If they have done that, then I will die happy!

I offer them all to you – as to one saying goodbye to a very dear friend…

With my Best Love and Best Wishes…

May your own Maker… hold you long and very gently… in the very palms of His or Her hands!



earthangel181 xxx