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Rules Of Engagement 4

For Leanne and Jeff

Rule 1

Mirror Image

“I always tell my kids”
Said Leanne,
“Never give 100%
To anyone,
Always keep
10% back for yourself!”

Thinking about
These very, very
Wise words,
And my own special Love,
I thought,
Well yes.

There is really
Only one person
In this world,
That I would
Ever want
To stand in front of…

Emotionally stark naked,
100% fully,
And completely

Rule 2

Secret Pot of Gold

“It is often better
Not to spill all of the beans”
I said to Leanne,
“Just to leave
The other person guessing!
If they’re halfway switched on,
They’ll get the message,
And work it out for themselves!

This way
You never have to worry –
You’ve betrayed
Someone else’s secret,
That you’ve let some dirty laundry
Fall out of your machine,
Or how much you trust
The person you have just told…

Rule 2 is very important”
I said,
“Knowing what to spill,
And what to keep,
Safely hidden –

In your Secret Pot of Gold”.

Rule 3

Friends welcome anytime, family by appointment only!
(Sign on neighbor’s gate)

Blood and Water

When families are concerned,
The maths just
Never add up.
One and one together…
Usually comes up
With 3,

Families give us
The best, and the worst!
Speaking emotionally.

You may have doted
On your mother,
Or for a lifetime
You have fought her,
When the earth has settled
On her grave,

Blood is almost always –
Thicker than water!

Rule 4

Leading Horses To Water

“I could tell you both
You just have to
Give up smoking,
You’ll be around
So much longer,
For each other –
And your kin!

I could tell you when
I quit my precious roll-ups,
The year after watching
My father die of Cancer,
And the story, that lies within.

We can all choose
Our very own poison,
Smokes or drinks –
Or our Loves and sweets,

But we’ll only ever change
Or re-arrange –
When there’s a need from inside,
That it meets!

If you’re years away from quitting,
Or almost on the brink,
You just can’t beat the old adage…

You can lead a horse to water,
But never make it drink!

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Tim Barritt. 26.1.07.
Earth Angel 181