The ‘Semaphore Savoy’

For Catherine – and ‘The Third Cork’

My eyes couldn’t miss,
You ‘stealing’
A restaurant kitchen kiss –
With ‘your beautiful Love’!
And it filled my heart with joy…

I long to live in a world –
Where it’s ‘the love you give’
That matters –
Not ‘if the one
That you are kissing’ –
Is a girl – or is a boy!

Not to mention,
Dear Catherine,
The beautiful people –
That you employ!
Wonderful food and service,
So many of us – do enjoy,
I call it – my very own,
‘Semaphore Savoy’!

You lure, entice and attract me –
With your ‘honey chicken wings’!
You woo me –
With your ‘guitar man’,
And the beautiful old,
Sixties songs he sings.

If, I was your father,
I would be just,
So very, very proud,
And I’d want
To sing your praises –
Just like your singers ‘do’,
Filling the night
On Semaphore Road…
Right ‘out front’ –
And aloud.

May your maker hold you
Long and gently,
Just in the very palms of her hands…
May the one that is kissing you,
Always treat your beautiful body,
Like precious, warm and supple –
Smooth and golden sands…

And know there’s this older fella,
Who’s heart you’ve filled with joy,
You’ve ‘won’ him with your honey –
He flies ‘bee lines’
From his Barossa,
To eat –
At your Semaphore Savoy!

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Tim Barritt. 7.7.10.
Earth Angel 181

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