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Who Needs Any Excuse to drink Champagne

The world may be filled
With international crises,
Wracked with financial pain –
The day may be fine and sunny,
Or bucketing down with rain…
But who – ever needed any excuse,
To drink Champagne!

Who needs any excuse
To dress with style and swank?
Make your own quiet whoopee –
Paint the town with friends or family!
And put some free credit,
Back into your happiness tank!

Who needs any excuse
To create a little love,
Send flowers or a tiny text –
You never really know,
What may happen next!
Or just hold her very tight
In your arms and say –
Your eyes shine with more sparkle
Than the brightest stars above!

No time to stop and wallow
In too much grief and sorrow,
Who knows if I’ll still be here –
But if I am – I’ll do it …
All over again tomorrow!

So I take every chance
For fun and romance,
Again, again and again,
Come sun, come shine or rain!
And never need a single excuse –
To laugh – and drink Champagne!

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Tim Barritt. 2011.
Earth Angel 181