I Just Won’t Give a F*** about You

I Just Won’t Give A Fuck… about you either,

“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch,
Mate!” you said,
“Had a bit on,
Was going to ring you
On your birthday –
But I just got too busy!”

“What the fuck!”
I said,
“Just like you didn’t go
To your mate’s funeral,”
“Cause it might
Break your fucking heart!”

Just because your sun is shining today,
Everything is so hunky-fucking-dory,
You think you’re life’s built
Like a red brick shithouse,
And you don’t need any friends!

Just don’t ring me
In the middle of the night,
With your finger nearly on the trigger –
‘Cause your wife’s left and taken the kids,
Those red bricks are crashing down
Around your lonely, friendless ears,
And that precious, concrete heart
Has got more holes in it –
Than your septic tank!

Just don’t ring me.
I might just tell you
“I’ve had a bit on,
Got a bit busy,”
I might just tell you
“I really just don’t give a fuck…
About you either,

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Tim Barritt. March 2007.
Earth Angel 181

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