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Dog House Trix

I can’t tell you
How many dogs
We’ve got.
I can tell you
There are four Kelpies,
That all answer to the name
Of Bob.
If the Dog Inspector
Comes from the North,
I head South –
In a very big hurry!

And I never thought
I’d go soft,
On an ugly Pomeranian cross.
I can’t tell you
Where he sleeps –
But it’s not outside.

Now I can tell you
Where I sleep,
When it’s me –
That’s in the Dog-House,
And it’s not always inside!

One such night,
I finally took advice.
I asked my furry mates
What they thought?
I can’t tell you
How good it felt,
That night – I learned their trick…

If your dog thinks
You’re the best thing
On two legs,
Never go looking –
For a second opinion!

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Tim Barritt. 7.6.06.
Earth Angel 181