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Still writing Suicide Prevention adverts

Most of what I have been doing has been ‘happening’ with my Suicide Prevention work.(see Community Suicide Prevention).

I am currently working on my 400 word ‘Long’ ad number 69 in the Barossa ‘Leader’, and am also about to run my 49th Men’s Health Column in the Gawler ‘Bunyip.

Now also back regularly on the . . . → Read More: Still writing Suicide Prevention adverts

Nomination 4 a ‘LiFE’ award from Peak Australian Suicide Prevention Body.

I have just written the following 400 Word article for the South Australian ‘Stock Journal’ to go in as editorial in the week before the National Suicide Prevention Conference in Perth starting July 23rd, when the LiFE awards will be announced at the opening ceremony.


Grazier, poet and preventative community health advocate Tim Barritt . . . → Read More: Nomination 4 a ‘LiFE’ award from Peak Australian Suicide Prevention Body.

New Series of Suicide Prevention Adverts.

I have another sponsor who wants to put a smaller amount of money towards prevention in the local ‘Leader’.

My current series is written for ‘the slow lane’ media, that is

Local Weekly people with the time and interest to read 400 words and is written for General Suicide Prevention Awareness

I have just created . . . → Read More: New Series of Suicide Prevention Adverts.

I’ve just given myself a Promotion

I’m finishing up with ‘The Leader’ – my Barossa local trusty News Paper, Circulation 8000, Readership 24000 – after about 30 weeks of weekly Suicide Prevention Ads. (See Community Suicide Prevention).

As it happens I got a very good write up on Pg 5 of ‘The Stock Journal’ – Circulation 12,000 which goes all over . . . → Read More: I’ve just given myself a Promotion

Welcome Back! Or just Welcome!!!

After 8 long months when this site has been ‘off your screen’ – my webmaster has had a number of personal issues … happily he is back on deck now and we have rebuilt the site …

So a most warm welcome to my Cyber Home. 😆


Tim x