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Never Have to Cry Alone

If you’ve got lots
And lots of crying to do,
Something very serious –
Has just happened to you,

Suddenly, your life
Is filled with grief and crying,
A loved one has left you,
Is dead, or is dying.
Maybe you’ve just lost
Your warmth – or loving home…
Know that you should never,
Have to cry alone!

No one else can get
Inside your hurting heart,
You alone must grieve and travel –
To make a new healing start.

But friends can help
By holding…
In your grief and tears,
Soothe the pain and hurting,
Loneliness and fears.

So if you hear someone crying,
Who’s lost a loved one,
Or their warmth – or loving home,
Remember that no one,
Should ever,
Ever –
Never have to cry

Listen to With heaven at His Back Door

Tim Barritt. 29.8.09.

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”Home Alone